Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


So last Saturday the Mexis (or whatever we call ourselves) were reunited after 2 years of being apart!!! We all became friends at USU our Freshman year, where we spent almost all of our time together! We had sleepovers, long talks, hikes, meeting boys, you know everything freshmen girls love to do.  We are all studying/ have studied different things, and we all have so many different interests! Yet, these girls are FUN!!! When we get together it is non-stop energy and laughing. After Freshmen year we stayed friends some of us were roommates, but we started to go different ways. Soon enough some of us were getting engaged, and three went on missions.  Our lives are about as different as we are, but the good times are still there!
This was all of us together at Christmas in 07
2008 was the year of the missions,study abroads.
2009 was the year Brittles and I got married
2010 Erika, Ali, and Bree came home from missions, Brit Watts got her mission call to Ukraine (she leaves in two weeks), and Jen got married!
So last week we dragged the husbands and significant others (they are good sports) to our reunion, and it was such a great night!
September 2010!
And yes... we still do these pyramid things