Thursday, November 1, 2012

Happy Halloween!

Baby's First Boo

 Little T with cousin Tobin. They are six months apart!

T and his friend Scott from upstairs. Buddies already.
Hope everyone had a SPOOKtacular Halloween!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Happy BIRTHday!

Today little Thomas is already 3 1/2 weeks old. Here is a picture I took of him this morning. I think he was kind of smiling!
I said I would post more details (and pictures) from Thomas' birth so here goes. I will try to keep the story somewhat brief, but since it was about a 36 hour ordeal I suppose brevity is not on my side.
I will begin by stating that at my weekly doctor appointment on Sept 27 I was not dialating, not effacing, not even feeling any signs that a baby was on its way. We discussed options and even set my induction date for October 11, one week after my due date. I walked out of the appointment thinking I would for sure have our baby on that day.
I didn't feel like I was going to have a baby right away, but I did look like I was!
Flash forward with me now to the next day, Friday Sept 28. We had been to the farmers market at Sugarhouse park with Brad and Missy. We ate tamales for dinner, and sort of got on the Mexican food kick because we went to Rancho Markets to get some more mexican eats. (I only include this cause maybe it is what got Tommy going in there)
Around 11:00 we were watching a movie and I started to get up every 20 min to go to the bathroom. I couldn't believe all the pressure I was feeling. On the way home I started to get some "cramps" that I couldn't really explain to Nate. We went to bed, but I kept getting up and feeling the cramps. By early morning after thumbing through the "labor" booklet from the hospital I decided I was actually in early labor and having contractions! I wanted to wake Nate up, but knew he needed rest if we were going to have our baby that day!
When Nate did wake up on Sat morning (Sept 29) I told him I was in labor! He jumped out of bed and said, "Oh my, we have much to do, much to do!" After a day of getting the last minute things done, my contractions were increasing, but not enough to go into the hospital. We decided to go for a drive up Big Cottonwood, and a little hike, and then we would go to the hospital to have our baby.
Good plan right? Well to no avail. He was still not ready to come, but the contractions were not letting up.
After a late night trip to the hospital, we were sent home about 3 hours later with a shot of morphine for the pain and only dialated to a 1. Despite being totally drugged, I continued to feel my contractions and lost yet another night of sleep. Boy, to say my patience was wearing thin was an understatement. I tried to let Nate sleep though, knowing he would need his sleep if we were going to have our baby that day. I stayed up thinking about all of the ways I could try and get the baby out. 
On Sunday morning,Sept 30, around 8, I at my wits end, and Nate feeling so sympathetic got back in the car, with our packed bags, and headed to the hospital. We were praying I had progressed enough to stay and get the baby out!
Good news, after being checked I was at a 4! I could stay, get my epidural, relax, and have a baby. Thank goodness. After the epidural, little Tommy decided to pick things up and I began to dialate fast. Around 12 I told Nate to call the nurse in cause I wanted to start pushing. She came in and sure enough I was ready! Pushing was my favorite, I could totally feel it and it motivated my to work hard!
What a miracle when little Thomas came out. Nate and I just couldn't get over how cute he was, and that he was ours!

It was so great to have support and visitors! Thomas is lucky!

The time in the hospital was so great. Nate and I felt like we were on cloud 9. We spent the days just holding him, and looking at him. Nate became a master diaper changer and swaddler right from the get go. When it came time to leave the hospital we were both a little sad because it meant that it was all over his anticipated arrival had happened and he was already 2 days old!


Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Thomas Nathan Lloyd

On September 30 we welcomed Thomas into our family! He is so sweet and we couldn't be more happy to have him. More details to come!


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Baby Buzz

I am now 31 weeks into my pregnancy and full of excitement and nervousness all at once! It has been a pretty good road up to this point. My protruding belly makes life more interesting. I love to hear all of the theories, opinions, advice people tell me. Really, it is great! I have tried to remember a lot of them:
  • Boys always love their mommas more
  • You get a lot bigger when you are having a boy
  • "Oh, you must be having a boy because you are smaller"
  • Boy babies are more cuddly 
  • Boys are more active they are always into EVERYTHING
  • You have that pregnant glow about you (I was thinking it must be the thin layer of sweat)
  • "I didn't even know you were pregnant" (at 30 weeks) I guess that person was never looking at me before
  • "Wow, you aren't due till October, you have a long way to go" (at 29 weeks)
  • "You are big and not very far along (about 24 weeks) have you been eating too many sweets?"
  •  "Why can't you have a girl baby in your tummy?"said Elsie and Addie, multiple times
  • "Your baby has a beautiful heartbeat" says my doctor at every appointment, how reassuring
I have been very lucky so far to enjoy good health and energy. I am so glad I took up swimming about a year ago because I have been able to go a lot the last 7 months. Being in the water helps keep me cool and I don't even feel big, plus it may help "Joey" be more buoyant. As far as eating I have a big appetite in the morning and can usually eat three breakfasts, but by night it is hard to think about eating dinner food. I feel like I am on a breakfast kick all day!
Our cereal consumption (which was high before) has definitely increased.
Our little guys moves around all the time, I started feeling him about week 22, but  I still laugh when I feel him going crazy in there. Nate has been able to see and feel him move from the surface lately which has been great.

It is fun to get things ready. I am working on a quilt, my first one ever. Our siblings have given us so many clothes and other things it is starting to feel like reality.

Nate came home from work yesterday and went into joey's room/office to put some stuff down. As he did he said, "His crib is in here, but he is not! I can't wait for him to be in here! I will throw him up in the air, but not too high because I don't want to scare him."

Nate and I are excited for this adventure ahead. What a grand responsibility we have on our shoulders, but it will be really good for us and our little boy.
Double Baby Bumps
Dani: about 22 weeks
Aubrey: about 28 weeks
Also matching shirts :)

 Baby Bump at 24 weeks
Baby Bump at 27 weeks


Wow it is already August, and I can't figure out how time is flying so fast! It has been a fantastic summer so far. I even think Nate has gotten a taste of summer here and there (he was worried he would miss it completely because he is working full know that whole adult life thing). He was explaining to me the other day that there are 5 main rituals of summer.
#1 Go to a Baseball Game
#2 Float down the Provo river in inner tubes
#3 Visit his family cabin in the Uintahs
#4 BBQs
#5 Sno Cones
It is a pretty good list although I would have to add a day at Lagoon (which is out this summer, oh well), lots of fun hikes, and boating and swimming

We have done everything on Nate's ritual list, and most everything on mine and we still have about a month to pack more in!

Summer seemed to kick off with Ragnar. Nate was the captain for the second year now of the Live Rich team. I got to go along and support for a lot of the race, and the team was amazing!

 They don't call him Mr. Ragnar for nothin...notice where the base of this road is.
 Isn't this great...I never thought I would see my brother AND sister running. Let alone a crazy race like Ragnar, and I didn't even do it with them. How's the timing! It was so great to watch both of them, they were so great. Clark has even committed to come back out next year!

The whole team

For the 4th we were up in Bear Lake with all of the Lloyds. We decided to start a new tradition of attending the Paris, ID celebrations!
 Paris Parade
 Kid's Rodeo- where the kids do the events. Some of our nieces and nephews rode the sheep. The announcer would announce each kid before he/she came out of the shoot on the sheep. He would say there name and where they were from. Some of these kids are born cowboys from WY or ID. Lets just say there were a lot of tears from the Salt Lake cowboys and girls, but a good showing nonetheless
 Nate and Pete tried to bring home the prize money, set at about $300, for the 3 legged course. Good effort.

 After a nice, relaxing tube down the river
At the cabin with G&G Monson

Here's to summer so far! Don't wish it away because it will be gone before we know it. 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Ending of an Era

Well as we drove out of Logan last month (I know I am wayyy behind) to walk in our respective graduations I thought how crazy it is that we are now officially alumni of Utah State. We have exited the "college" stage of our lives. Going to college was not only about the school and the degree, but really about life lessons and experiences.
We couldn't pass up the chance to go up to Logan and participate in the revelry that is Graduation. So we both be walked and took pictures, and reminisced about all of our favorite and memorable places.
We don't have one of those photo montages with music to display some of the memories from Logan, so bear with me as I post some of the pictures from the past 5 years.
 Getting Engaged March 1, 2009
 Nate's USU Track Days
 Nate's Graduation with his Bachelors 2010
 Student of the Year, Great Professors
So many runs on the Logan River Trail

 Homecoming Dance 2007(when our love began :)
 Howl Dance 2007

 Great Friends and Roommates

 Our little apartment at Twin Creek

The list can really go on and on, but that will do for now! Here's to new horizons!