Monday, September 14, 2009


This weekend was really fun! On Saturday we did a run on this sweet trail that runs all the way from Maryland through NOVA (that's the abbrev. for Northern VA, you learn those inside things when you live here). It even goes into D.C. so we love it! Then we went to the Falls Church Taste Fair! Lots of kids and live band, and some yummy food. We drove from there to Georgetown. The campus is cool, but what I love are all the colorful houses/apartments. I kept saying things about them and Nate was like not every house is cute. But they were!
Sunday we had stake conference, and then met Clark, Kara, and Gracie in D.C.! Nate and I parked at Jefferson Memorial, and while we were waiting we walked over to see it! There is a huge statue of Jefferson, and then there are quotes written huge on the walls all around the dome. So legendary. I love how everything in D.C. is so stately.

We had lunch on the grass there and then headed over to Arlington Cemetary. There were signs everywhere that said Silence and Respect, and Gracie was just talking and growling way loud! It was the best! We saw where they just buried Sen. Kennedy a couple weeks ago. The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is cool. In 1921 they agreed to bury and unidentified soldier there, who had died in WWI and since then the tomb is a memorial to all unidentified dead, "known only to God" It was really impressive. We had so much fun with Clark and Kara. I am so glad they came!

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