Sunday, September 20, 2009

You Never Know What is Behind the Door!

Hello all! Isn't my wife cute? This was a great idea she had to do this blog. Hopefully it'll be a fun way for us all to stay connected while we are out here...

I have two funny stories from work already that are kind of similar to each other. First, on day one of the internship, the six new interns were asked to do a scavenger hunt in the Capitol and Senate office buildings so we could learn our surroundings and know our way around. It was pretty fun; we felt like we were in that National Treaure movie or something. One of the stops on the scavenger hunt was the Senator's hideaway. We though it was an emergency room under the Capitol used for safety...Anyways, after getting lost in the underground Capitol labrinth, we finally found his hideaway. The other 5 wanted to move on to our next item on the list, but I said, "Well now that we found this place aren't we going to at least open the door?" I opened it, and who should be there, but Senator Bennett himself, working at a desk! My face went red, I said "Hello Senator," apologized, and I explained to him our situation. He was kind and understanding, invited us all in, and had us introduce ourselves. We were there only briefly with him. Now we know that the Senator's hideaway is not a hideaway in emergencies, but rather a hideaway from staff and media!
The other funny story happened last week. I was asked to run an errand and take some paperwork down a level to the Energy committee. No one was in the office, so I opened the door next to it, and Wa La!...I was in front of press cameras at a hearing, standing directly behind the Senator/chairman of the Senate Committee. I was out of there fast. :-)
Moral of the stories: You never know who or what is behind the door!


  1. I love it! I'm glad you guys are doing this blog so we can follow your adventures. We miss you. Hope to see you in NY!

  2. Keep opening doors because otherwise you may miss out on something really great! Love and miss you guys!!!!
