Thursday, September 10, 2009

New Jobs, New House, New Place

This week Nate started his internship at the Capitol. He takes the bus to the metro and then the metro to the Capitol. I feel bad that it takes him so long. He said work was good yesterday. They explained his duties. He will be working in the Energy and Natural Resources committee and the Judiciary. One of his main bills he will research is the Cap and Trade. We don't know much about it so it will be helpful! Oh and he got to meet Sen. Bennett, on accident! I will ask him to write the story it is pretty funny!
My job is nice. I just go upstairs, never have to leave the house. Joseph is a cute little guy, and easy to play with.
Well I have got to go but here is a pic of Nate on his first day at work!


  1. D&N
    Way To Go! I put my hand over my heart when the blog page opened and feel like saying the Pledge of Allegiance.

  2. I am excited to see your fun adventure unfold. You need to include pics from your trip across the country. Might as well start from the begininning. Love and Miss you guys!!!

  3. YAYY!!! I love the blog!!! I miss you guys so much. Next year can we get utah season tickets together?
