Thursday, October 1, 2009

Welcome to NatsTown, and Harpers Ferry, and...

Hey all! Happy October! I hear some had snow in Salt Lake today, yikes, winter may be coming a little too soon! Nate and I are still just having a great time! I started another babysitting job on Thurs. and Fri from 3:30-6:30, which makes the days long, but it is nice to get a little extra dough.
Last weekend was great, I rode in the metro Friday night to meet Nate at the Nationals game. The baseball team is awful, but it was fun to be at a major league game anyway. We saw some runs, so it wasn't a total bust! We ate Nats dawgs, and met one of Nate's friend from the internship and his wife.
So here is kind of an aside, we usually go to the store every Sat. When we got home last week I lined up all of our cereals one the bookshelf and it looked like we had enough for a family of five. Sadly, enough those last us just about a week and a half! Big eaters!
On Sat. we went to Harpers Ferry, WV with Clark and Kara. It was rainy so we couldn't walk around tons outside. They had kept the town almost just as it was in the 19th century. It is pretty cool. It is also at the fork of the Potomac and Shenendoah Rivers, so the scenery is fabulous. That is the place John Brown, a fanatic abolishionist, made his run on the Federal Arsenal. He and his gang got cought by the U.S Marines, and were later hung. Interesting to think if he was a martyr for the cause of black slave freedom, or just a little off his rocker!
Anyway, there is a little update! We are off to New York this weekend! Yea~

1 comment:

  1. Dan girl!! I am going to call you asap. have so much fun in new york! I love that picture of you guys at the baseball game. LOVE the headband, Ashley's headband turned out super cute. LOVE YOU GUYS!!
